— Intelligence Built-In

Controlmotion will take care of your displays, so you don’t have to.


Controlmotion is a technical software that makes imotion digital signs autonomous, providing control and real-time health status updates for each device.



When potential problems arise, Controlmotion helps the maintenance team resolve them quickly through automatic email alerts, advanced monitoring, and expert support, ensuring minimal downtime and reduced post-sales costs.


Easier maintenance
and support of the unit

Less time spent
at the location

Lower after-purchase
activities and cost.


Controlmotion Demo

Here’s an example of Controlmotion software, covering some of the components integrated into an imotion product.

Would you like to have access to our demo software?


Here’s how Controlmotion works:

The information is locally refreshed instantly, 24/7. In case of any changes, the information is sent to the Controlmotion Portal (local or cloud).

The system analyses itself and calls for service in case of critical failures.

All information can be accessed through Controlmotion Portal or sent directly to your email.


We offer three options:



Instant control over imotion products.

As a part of imotion digital sign.

Runs locally
The client operates within the local network and can be accessed through local IP, VPN, TeamViewer, or third-party software.

Separate single-unit control
Management and control of individual units accessible via VPN, Teamviewer, or third-party software.

Critical Alarms
Predefined critical events can be sent to the system administrator via email. Additional SMTP configuration is needed.


Instant control over imotion products.

Fee based
Available only for FLOW.

Server based
Hosted on the Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud computing platform. Ensuring top-tier performance, reliability, and most of all security.

Customer Portal
Enables accessing, monitoring, and controlling the entire network from one central webpage.

Proactive Monitoring
Threshold events can be customized and easily set up to be sent via email by entering administrator's email address.

Advanced functionalities
Personalized Alerts, Sensors graphs, Advanced analytics, Searchable audit log, Location map, Advanced user management.

Automatic updates
New features and optimized performance updates without manual interventions.

Easy Support
Enables active email and phone support, requiring no specific steps (no logs & readings...).


Instant control over imotion products.

Fee based
Available only for FLOW.

Server based
Hosted on the Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud computing platform. Included: TeamViewer license for additional hardware debugging.

Customer Portal
Enables accessing, monitoring, and controlling the entire network from one central webpage.

Proactive Monitoring
Threshold events can be customized and easily set up to be sent via email by entering administrator's email address.

Advanced functionalities
Personalized Alerts, Sensors graphs, Advanced analytics, Searchable audit log, Location map, Advanced user management.

Automatic updates
New features and optimized performance updates without manual interventions.

Proactive Infinitus support
Infinitus proactively monitors and alerts customers about potential system issues and proposes required solutions.

Priority assistance and support
Special attention, faster response times, and dedicated resources to address inquiries, issues, or requests.